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If you gave $25 what can happen?

Lets get help where its needed


Family Households Below Poverty in the Past 2010-2012 ONLY IN BOCA RATON. FL was 19.7%

Population Below Poverty in the Past 2010-2012 ONLY IN

BOCA RATON FL was 27.4%

Female-headed Households with Related Children Below Poverty in the same area was over 49%

Source: B22005. RECEIPT OF FOOD STAMPS/SNAP IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS BY RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER Data Set: 2010-2012 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates

If this is one city consider the need for all of South Florida.

Also Consider This:

This means the need for Open Door Relief Center to get needed supplies to people in South Flroida is greater than ever.

How Open Door RC Plans To Help Out

1. Start by identifying people in crisis and give them supplies.

2. Next offer them a discount store to continue buying supplies at very low costs

3. Provide anyone with resources through counseling to assess ongoing solutions.

4. Offer people hope and refreshing the human spirit.

5. Stock a Store for Veterans in need

6. Provide any veteran with resources through counseling to assess ongoing solutions.

7. Let donors know how their dollar made a difference with feedback to them.


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